Monday, August 25, 2014

I've done a lot of kayaking this summer, but I just couldn't force myself to go this past Sunday. The humidity and temperature got to me. I finally succumbed and turned on the air conditioning. I did find these wildflower photos taken while paddling the Pigeon. I thought the first one was Cardinal Flower, but someone in the group said it was Indian Paintbrush. Nope, I was right, it is Cardinal Flower. The second one is some kind of mint, but I don't know what kind. The mint family all have square stems. If you don't believe me, go outdoors right now and check the mint in your garden. Spearmint, chocolate mint, all sorts of mint have square stems. I did stick my head out the door long enough to notice that my bees in the top bar were all lounging on the airing deck, and all doing the washboard dance simultaneously. It was pretty impressive.

1 comment:

Trobairitz said...

Pretty flowers. Love the bright red.

Glad you've been getting out kayaking so much. It is a bummer when the heat gets to you.

In Oregon we aren't used to so many days above 90. They said on the news last night we've had 27 days over 90˚ since July 1st. Unheard of for us and our high today is supposed to be 95. Ick blah