Saturday, January 31, 2015

One pair of hiking socks re-knitted, one to go. I'm also back to working on a shawl for a certain woman in white. Knitting has helped me so much. I've been so sad and struggling with chronic back pain. The last spate of snow shoveling pushed me up the pain scale pretty far which in turn exacerbates the insomnia and it's just a vicious cycle.

On a much happier note, Chrish passed his licensing test so he's now a professional, and his friends let him know how impressed they were! He's already been called for one interview and then called back for a second which is extremely promising. I'll be so glad when he's gainfully employed and able to get a better vehicle. I worry about him driving that little pick-up during the winter.

I'm bracing for the snow we're supposed to get this Sunday. Thank goodness I have the whole morning to shovel out, but if we do get 12 " I won't be able to get off my block till they get a plow through and that usually takes a few days.

1 comment:

Trobairitz said...

Hope you don't get that snow they forecast. Raining here in Oregon per usual.

It is good that your son has such good friends to tease him. Made me chuckle.