Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Still slogging through the days until retirement, only 245 calendar days remain and 2 1/2 weeks of that will be vacation. Still working on finishing the last and final week of summer reading program. Due to circumstances completely beyond my control it was stretched out to 10 weeks for our agency rather than the normal 8. I've really run out of patience dealing with John Q and their incessant cell phone conversations, their attention diverted from the behavior of their children by the smart phones that have become a permanent appendage. My exodus is timely as I have no interest in conducting programs for preschoolers via tablets or smart phones. The patrons who teach their child the library is a place to respect with quiet voices and walking feet are a dying breed.  I constantly serve as others' disciplinarian, reminding them to walk, to conduct their cell phone conversations outside, that yes, they need to wear shoes. I'm becoming more like the cranky Miss Viola Swamp everyday.


A said...

That is part of the reason my children and I stopped going to our library. The kids were so rude and the parents, IF they were there, never did anything to keep their little sweet peas from being pure hellions!

Julie said...

A You should still come to the library and model correct parenting and good library behavior. I plan on still using the library heavily when I retire. They've got all the books!