Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The doctor's office just called. They will not give me the results to my CT scan without another office visit. That tidily elevated my blood pressure and I headed directly to the scanning center that conducted the test over lunch. All that was required was signing a release form and the scan report and images were handed directly to me within minutes. It's taking me a little bit of effort to understand the test results, but I get the general idea. I still have a large kidney stone between my kidney and my bladder. It's too large to pass and will need to be surgically removed. The stone is too large for the extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy treatment, so surgery it is. There's no possibility of just waiting it out, the stone is too large to pass and the three episodes of crippling pain I've experienced leave no doubt I need treatment asap. The next question is what caused the kidney stones in the first place, and I'm guessing it's because I left a bladder infection untreated for too long. I did go to my GP for a urinalysis, and was prescribed two concurrent rounds of antibiotic. It didn't help and I had to wait for a couple weeks to get an appointment with the urologist who is now holding  my treatment hostage to another consultation fee. The treatment costs approx. 10,000. I hope my retirement doesn't have to be delayed because of this, or someone may have to die!

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