Thursday, May 1, 2014

Only 699 more days until retirement. The idea of the mobile tiny house keeps recurring, but I can't accept the loss of my garden. or my beehives, and of course I'd need to take my motorcycle and kayak along. I wonder what it would be like to live through the winter in a teeny house. Tornado season would definitely be scary.  Notice there's no TV and no bookshelves , don't know if I like that idea, but maybe it would just  mean adapting to digital reading.


Trobairitz said...

699 days, that is quite a countdown. Good for you. Gives you something to look forward to.

I love the tiny house movement. Hubby and I are in 912 sq ft and it is too big for us. Tiny house blog is a neat website and if you are on Facebook they put up all sorts of links.

JBG said...

That's funny. Retirement DOES eventually get there!

Julie said...

Trobiritz, Thanks for the tip on the Tiny House fb page. Maybe I'll start playing the lottery, that'll be the only way it would happen. By the way, the countdown is now at 687!
As you can tell, I'm quite anxious to retire, another winter like the last one could very well be the end of me.