Monday, December 14, 2015

I have zero tolerance for the problems and attitudes of John Q. I have had more than one lifetime's worth of interaction with the great unwashed. They are scrupulous in demanding their desires, but they're easily distracted, oooohh look at something shiny, flashy, Disneyfied.  I lose count of the times I've found the one item they just asked for only to find it tossed in the return bin. So worth my time to scour the building looking for their one particular needle in the haystack only to find it spurned and cast aside. Wait! Didn't you just ask me for this item out of the tens of thousands that are here a few minutes ago? and now you no longer want it? I can't stand this stuff anymore, it's driving me crazy. I long for the time when my schedule is my own, when I'm no longer a public slave,  chained by my need to continue paying that neverending mortgage for my seriously dilapidated old house.

Right now I hate my life, loathe my work, feel abandoned by my partner. All I can do is hold on, keep breathing, try hard not to snarl. Only 2 more hours of the great unwashed and then I can go home and hide my head, re-work the knitting on the cursed pair of socks I'm making. I'm almost afraid to give them to anyone I've had such bad luck while making them.

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